A spacefilled complex of 3 different VP24 proteins and associated karyopherin alpha proteins.
A spacefilled model showing the three different VP24 proteins in blue, green, and orange and associated karopherin alpha proteins in lavender, yellow and orange.
Three asymmetric V24 proteins(purple) in wireframe form with associated karopherin alpha proteins in lavendar, yellow and cyan.
Three asymmetric V24 proteins(purple) in backbone form with associated karopherin alpha proteins in lavendar, yellow and cyan.
The VP24 protein (red) interacting with the (blue) importin alpha molecule.
Three asymmetric V24 proteins( in green, olive and lime) in backbone form with associated karopherin alpha proteins in lavendar, yellow and cyan. The key VP24 residues present in the interaction are shown in red spacefilled notation, whilethe key karopherin alpha protein residues are shown in yellow spacefilled notation.
Spin On
Spin Off
Two VP30 protein molecules the Nucleoprotein attaching groove filled.
A spacefilled model of two VP30 protein molecules illustrating the two nucleoprotein attaching grooves.
A backbone model of the two VP30 protein molecules highlighting the key nucleoprotein attaching residues in gold
A wireframe model of two VP30 proteins highlighting the groove areas (in red and yellow) that with nucleoprotein attaching residues